Health, Humor

A..hole and proud of it!

Well, Brad, a..hole to a..hole, I prefer UN to VAXX-inated version.

UN-expected is UN-likely amongst the UN-VAXXed.

Pfizer date: 2021 July 29

Departure date: 2024 April 8

Well, Brad, your a..hole did not make even it to the three years mark.

Bradley Reno #FullyVaccinated #DiedSuddenly

(April 2024) California

“If at this point you are still unvaccinated, You are an asshole.”

“And the hits just keep on coming. RIP Bradley Reno. Such unexpected news. We were just joking around a couple days ago. I’m so sad to hear of your sudden passing. Damm it. This week sucks!”

YUP! Damned, Brad is.

Brad and his VAXXed friends were just joking around a couple of days ago?

Well, this un-VAXXed a..hole is NOT sad to hear of Brad’s “sudden, UN-expected ” (Har! Har! Har!) passing.


Brad ! Do enjoy the afterlife with all the other VAXXed a..holes, he!

Your VAXXed friends will soon be joining you.

You guys will Always be Looking at the Bright Side of Death.


Har! Har! Har!