Feminism, Humor

GIRL BOSSing themselves to … death!

These days, it is hard to find a good Feminazi site, or article, to ridicule.

Where have all the Good Feminazis gone?


Personally,  I feel contempt for these “emancipated” women.

“Victims”? They may be , but “Boy oh Boy” are they arrogant.

May their Spinsterhood be long, hard and painful.

My DIS-agreement with the advice at the bottom:

So do be afraid to challenge her. Speak the truth, but with hesitation or fear. Just as you managed to eventually break through Clown World’s lies, most probably she CAN’T. It’s probably too late for her.

I DO feel a strong sense of schadenfreude, and I am only a Low Middle status male.

DO judge them harshly!

Your mileage (kilometerage?) may vary, as They say.

The biggest losers of feminism are women.



This is from SIGMA MALE.

Dunno man, it is really hard not to feel contempt for these “emancipated” women. While they arrogantly think the world owes them simply because they are female, and that alone makes for entitlement, because, you know, they are the better human beings, reality is that they either get a clue before 40 or live a lonely life with a bullshit “career” in globohomo marketing or HR. When all is said and done, they will look back on their life and know that it was all in vain.

I say: You made a choice, now live with it. Have they been lied to? Of course. The biggest losers of feminism are women. But it is up to each individually, to aspire to Sex-and-the-City-shallowness, or to reject the perversions of modernity.

The Cognitive Dissonance Challenge

/pol/ explains what men are up against today

Imagine being raised on 40 hours a week of girlboss cartoons from Disney, Warner, Nickelodeon, etc. Every situation, she’s better than the boys. More confident, more capable. With ease she can beat them at anything they do. They’re buffoons who fumble over themselves arrogantly trying to do what she does naturally. She’s confident. Talks down to every guy around her. Smirks when they don’t believe in her. Then she just wins. Never even so much as takes a single beating.

you’re smarter

you’re really more capable

you’re a boss, girl go out and win at life

you don’t need a man

life’s an adventure go live it!

Then 20 seconds after being thrust into a situation that isn’t controlled by globohomo, she’s immediately outwitted, out-performed, outclassed in every fucking way. She went and shaved the side of her head and no guy wants anything to do with her now. All those tats to make herself into that badass character she saw herself as, and the tough anti-hero guy she thought she’d match wits with never showed up.

Now she realizes she can’t even match wits with the fat nerdy guy who wants to go to film school. She can’t run as fast or even lift half as much weight as her best friend’s twink boyfriend. She tried to go for her masters in comp-sci but the guys were busy writing shaders for CUDA cores, or implementing low-level hardware drivers, and her great idea was to make a new social media platform “with a twist”, so she dropped out immediately.

Now she’s working some shit office job where the male intern has had to help her out of simple situations that confuse her. And to top it all off, she’s slowly admitting that she wishes she’s stuck with Josh, who’s now a dad, and looks really happy in all those pictures with his 5-years-younger stay-at-home wife.

Now, if you’re a bitter low-status male, you might, not unreasonably, feel the temptation to feel a strong sense of schadenfreude. After all, these are the sort of young women you rejected you, who rolled their eyes at you, who didn’t consider you worthy of them.

But don’t judge them too harshly. Just as you were lied to about what would make you successful, and what would make you more attractive to the opposite sex, they were deceived even more comprehensively than you can possibly comprehend.


She knows, or at least suspects, this isn’t all there is to life.
So don’t be afraid to challenge her. Speak the truth, without hesitation or fear. Just as you managed to eventually break through Clown World’s lies, she can too
. It’s not necessarily too late for either of you; the challenge is to help those young men and women who are facing the challenge of rectifying the cognitive dissonance they are experiencing between what they were told and what they can see for themselves.

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