
The Bird Flu is the New VAXX

… it is clear at this point that the rapid spread of bird flu to migratory birds and mammals is the result of gain-of-function serial passage research and a lab leak. A set-up that looks eerily like how COVID-19 was released on the globe.


Third, Dr. McCullough rightly points out that the fearmongering around the bird flu is being promulgated by big pharma in order to facilitate mass vaccination of animals and humans all of which will line the pockets of the bio-pharmaceutical complex and their NGO backers.



debt overhang

Apparently, there are No “coincidences”.

Sigmund Fraud said that, I think.

A billion seconds, I just discovered, is about 30 years. Yikes!

Just saw this in an article about the US debt.

But the same, below, can be said about all the, ahem, “advanced” economies; i.e. including the Canucks , the EUro Peons, the Japan Ease, the…

The author does a good job of putting the concept of “a trillion” into perspective, too: Trillion is just a word. Let’s make sure we note the significance.

A *billion* seconds ago was 1993 (31 years ago).
A *trillion* seconds ago was 30,000 B.C.
And then multiply that trillion by 34.7.

That’s the scale of the United States debt bill.

It’s called a debt overhang.

A debt overhang makes it impossible to do anything other than pay back the debt.

That’s what makes it dangerous.

The people who “widely dismissed” the very idea that a whole nation could suffer from a debt overhang are a lot quieter now.

Also: The authors project that the advanced economies’ average debt-to-income ratio will rise to 120% of GDP by 2028, owing to their declining long-term growth prospects. They also note that with elevated borrowing costs becoming the “new normal,” developed countries must “gradually and credibly rebuild fiscal buffers and ensure the sustainability of their sovereign debt.”

“Rebuild fiscal buffers”!

Har! Har! Har! Har! Har!

Translation: MORE taxes.

Reading the financials news is much like reading Pravda (the old Soviet version; the new one actually tells the truth). Pravda means Truth!

Anyways here is the article: The Broken Magic Trick Behind Dollar Dominance.

The American Pravdas: the New York Slimes the Washington Compost, CNN, FOXed news …


VAXXee done and Dusted!

#FullyVAXXinated @DiedStupidly

Well, Katie, can’t speak for your kids but us, elders than you, are grateful your took one VAXX for the team.


I am happy to learn that your sudden “passing away” was super easy and effective.

OTOH, your boys, Blake and Wyatt, are not going to have an easy and effective time with you gone preemptively into the AfterLife.

A Lil’ thinking, on your part, would have done them a lot of good.

Maybe they will learn something from your stupid mistakes.

They’d better. Life comes up at you fast.

So, if they aren’t planning to join Mom before their God appointed time…

Boyfriend Troy? No father? Did Troy also take the VAXX?

Poor kids!


Intimation: the action of making something known, especially in an indirect way.

to intimate: verb (used with object)

to indicate or make known indirectly; hint; imply; suggest.

Archaic. to make known; to announce.

As this announcement was clear and direct, one concludes that South African English usage is still pretty Archaic.


VAXXed Tranny down

Many more Trannies to follow.


FULLy VAXXinated?

I believe yah, Vince.

You are now Tranny IN-Visibility.

No worries, many more Trannies will be following yah!

Into the section of Hell reserved for you, ahem,  people (?) there’s gotta be quite a few by now, right?

PFIZERed 2021 April 7

Departure to Hell 2014 April 29

Yup! Made the tree year mark.

They probably have a Castrato Theatre there in Hades.

Might be someone there who will Crush on you; know what I mean?


Nathan Simpleton is helping everyone.

Nate did not jump the queue, or denied the VAXX to anyone.

Well, Nate, looks like you won’t be getting the 4yo Covid test in Melbourne, that was gonna please you so much.

PFIZERed 2021 May 27

Departed 2024 April 2024

Yikes! NOT even three years.


Nathan Templeton: Channel Seven Sunrise Reporter Found Dead at 44 (April 2024) #DiedSuddenly

“Get the Jab people, ASAP“.”

Died suddenly after suffering a fatal medical episode while out walking his dog.

Nate is leaving behind a grieving canine.

What? No offspring? No spouse of any of the 69 genders? No live old parents?

Well, looks like Nate had a grand Gay Olde Time.

God knows how many poor souls he convinced to call their GP ASAP to get their own deadly VAXX.

The universe is now a better place, Nate. Keep Hanging Loose, he!


The world Thanks You for your leaving it!


Squinty the SHILL bites the VAXX

Adrian died SUDDENLY on April 4, 2024.

Had gotten BOOSTED on 27 December 2021 (thus injected a month or so before).

“Good news folks. I had my booster 10 days ago.” ()

In LESS than three years Adrian has SUDDENLY become more than 70% less annoying.

So, there is that.


If you don’t get the VAXX it’s a pain in the posterior for every VAXXee, but not for you, because of all the things you will be able to do.

NOT getting the VAXX is free, safe and will stop you and/or your loved ones from contacting a nasty PFIZER or Moderna disease with loads of long-term effect, including sudden/premature/unexpected … death.

Schiller can be a surname of German or (((Jewish))) origin, derived from a dialect word for a student or a nickname for someone with a squint.

(((Jewish)))? You think? In the acting business? Nah!

Victoria and The Last Kingdom actor Adrian Schiller died ‘suddenly’ aged 60

(April 2024) #DiedSuddenly

“His death was sudden and unexpected and no further details around its cause are yet available.”

Cause unknown?

Har! Har! Har! Har! Har!

Don’t need to squint, you know to see that one.




Old Salt Wart was sweet?

Anyone consulted the kids about this?

Inquiring minds wanting to know and all.


S/he/its husband is in the PET business and both loved dogs.

May have to add a  BESTIE moniker to the LGBTPQ thing.



Well, TED, you won’t be putting that finger up your rectum no more.

Up anyone’s’ rectum for that matter.

Gay? You don’t look too happy here, Salty.

A few beers probably made a difference.


Let’s see: PFIZERed on April 22, 2021.

Then Boosted twice on May 2021 and January 2022.

A real believer, he?

Departure to Hades: April 1, 2024.

Lasted almost three years.

Wow! Tough faggot!

Enjoy the dry heat, there Salty!

Butt, NO Lube!


Missed Conception

“Six inches never hurt anyone” …

the Sex Revolutionaries (of all 69 genders) used to say …

Yikes! in the distant past of the 70s.

Missed Conception, here, won’t be missing the VAXX originated conception.


The birth pangs are just starting.

Life expectancy for a VAXXed prick like s/he/it is about three years.


Won’t be playing with her/his/its balls much longer.

Living in “Tronna” won’t make a difference.


Better luck next lifetime, Moron!

Use you dick wisely next time, he?