Feminism, Humor, Politics

Feminism! Working As Intended!

The Feminist Future is here, and it’s GREAT!

Requiring women to register for Selective Service (i.e., the draft) really is a part of the 2025 National Defense Reauthorization Act that has been assembled in the Senate


Left Wing “progressive” females will be doing their part, half of it, of imposing, with weapons, our “democratic” values on the rest of the world.

Finally! Feminism is working as intended.

Thank You! (((Gloria Steinheim))), (((Betty Friedan))), (((Bella Absurd))), (((Shulamith Firestoned))), (((Susan Brownmiller))), (((Adrienne Rich))), ect, ect, etc. clip_image004

My “intuitiongut-feeling tells me they will introduce exceptions for pregnant “soldiers”; a bit like this:

The US Military Parental Leave Program (MPLP) provides non-chargeable leave entitlements for soldiers following the birth … of a child. Here are the key points:

Birth parents receive 12 weeks of parental leave following a period of convalescent leave after childbirth. .. pregnant service members can remain on-ship up to their 20th week of pregnancy, … those who give birth won’t deploy for one year

So, expect some multiple “sequential” pregnancies. Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!

Thus, it is not all bad. Somebody has got to replace the male cannon fodder, especially the straight white boys who suffer most of the dying:

Share of U.S. military deaths by race or ethnicity of servicemembers


Come on! Roll Up! Roll UP!  For the Magical Military Tours.

The US military is EVERYWHERE.

The United States has been involved in 108 military conflicts throughout its history; 1776-2024, 248 years /108 = 2.3 years per war.

The United States has been involved in 108 military conflicts throughout its history. These include major wars like the American Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican–American War, the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Gulf War. However, there were 21 full years when the U.S. was not at war during its existence. It’s worth noting that official declarations of war occurred during five separate military conflicts, starting in 1812 and most recently in 1942. Despite its relatively short existence, the U.S. has been at war for 93% of its time since its birth in 1776.

Let’s see: 93% of 248 years: Yikes! 17.35 years of PEACE! not 21!

Since 1945; see below:


Roll Up! Roll Up! For WWIII.

The War that WILL End All Wars.


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